Lisa Jacobs
Lisa Jacobs, MA, CPPC is a Certified Leadership and Mindlessness Coach as well as a sought-after speaker on leadership, legacy and mindfulness. She inspires people to create conscious choices resulting in empowered action. Lisa Jacobs is a graduate of The George Washington University (BS ’88 in Business Administration) and of NYU (Masters ’93 Arts and Administration).
Lisa has taken a leadership role on several non-profit education boards, donated her time to children in Camden for the Bookmates Project, and has also undertaken numerous fundraising efforts designed to raise cancer awareness. Losing her father, a BRCA carrier, at the age of 68 to pancreatic cancer, has fueled her passion to raise awareness of the BRCA mutations. She is passionate about the ground breaking research and support that the Basser Center provides.
She lives in NYC with her husband and three children. Her passions include family, yoga, reading, walking her Labrador retriever Chelsea, adventure and travel.