Cindy Price Gavin
Cindy Price Gavin has more than three decades of professional experience in the nonprofit and financial services fields, with particular expertise in building medical nonprofit start-ups into mature organizations. As the Founding Executive Director for Let’s Win! Pancreatic Cancer, Cindy has led its growth from a concept to its current status as the award-winning global leader in patient education about treatment options. Prior to joining Let’s Win, Cindy was founding Executive Director of Michael’s Mission, a charity focused on improving the quality of life and treatment options for patients struggling with colorectal cancer.
Cindy was formerly a partner in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ New York Financial Services where she led initiatives in the areas of People, Quality and Corporate Responsibility. In 2011, Cindy was nominated by PwC to receive the United Way - The Power of Women to Make a Difference Award.
Cindy serves on the board of directors of the Ronald McDonald House of New York and the Rodeph Sholom School as well as the Leadership Council of the East Harlem Tutorial Program. She’s been a long-time trustee for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (“LLS”), honored for her commitment as a board member, advocate, and champion of LLS.