The Basser Center for BRCA has the unique opportunity to catalyze research to change the paradigm of discovery, innovation, and care for issues related to BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 significantly increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer and also are associated with prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer. Towards this end, the Basser Center is seeking applications that propose innovative approaches to the study of BRCA-related cancers.

2025 Grants Program for Penn Investigators Request for Applications

Scientist performing research with pipette and test tubes in the lab

Research grant applications in basic science, prevention, disease interception, and early detection that are relevant to the study of BRCA1/2 will be considered. The Basser Cancer Interception Institute focuses on funding new endeavors in emerging, orthogonal fields beyond DNA damage (e.g. mechanisms of haploinsufficiency, cancer evolution and tissue tropism). 

Grants focused on the following are of particular interest:

  • Cancer interception and the pre-cancer disease state 
  • Issues relevant to men (including but not limited to prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, male breast cancer)
  • Potential for translation into clinical practice
  • Early detection

Grants that demonstrate a potential for translation into clinical practice will be prioritized for funding.

Due dates:




There are two types of awards in this RFA:

  1. Faculty awards are for two years with a funding level up to $200,000 per year.
  2. Early career awards for Fellows, Postdocs and Instructors up to $100,000 for one year. Grants are eligible for competitive renewal upon reapplication and are contingent on progress the first year.

Funding begins on July 1, 2025.

Principal Investigator Eligibility

  1. Faculty applicants must be at the Research Assistant Professor level or above.
  2. Early career applicants include Fellows, Postdocs and Instructors
  3. Only one application will be accepted per investigator. Investigators may not be CO-PI on more than one application.

Application Phase I: Letter of Intent (LOI) Submission


  1. Letters of Intent must be submitted through the online portal.
    • The online system requires all users to create an account, even if they are Penn users. It does not use PennKey to identify users. Please have your BA create an account. Once that is complete, you will be able to select their name in the drop down menu.
    • Search for program “Basser Center for BRCA Grants for Penn Investigators
    • Under the “Basic Info” tab, please provide the information requested. Standard NIH formatted Biosketches are sufficient.
    • In the “Proposal Participants” tab, please provide the name of your Co-PI(s), if applicable.  
    • Please designate in the LOI to which of the two types of awards you are applying.
  2. Please submit a one-page LOI in the “Documents” tab under “Letter of Intent" including:
    • Title of proposed project
    • Award type (select either faculty awards or early career awards) 
    • PI/Co-PI (if applicable) names, degree(s) and position
    • Description of the project including specific aims and relevance to BRCA1/2

The purpose of the LOI is to allow the Basser Center time to assemble appropriate reviewers. It is not to invite grants for full submission. There will be no feedback provided to applicants regarding the LOI and anyone submitting an LOI is welcome to follow through with a full grant application.

The deadline for the mandatory LOI is by 5:00 pm ET on Wednesday, January, 15, 2025.

Application Phase II: Full Grant Application Submission



  1. Applications must be prepared using standard word processing software, following the instructions below, and combining all sections into one single PDF for upload/submission.
  2. Only one application will be accepted per investigator. Investigators may not be Co-PI on more than one application.
  3. Applications must be submitted through the online portal.
    • Search for program “Basser Center for BRCA Grants for Penn Investigators
    • Under the “Basic Info” tab, please provide the information requested. Standard NIH formatted Biosketches are sufficient.
    • Please provide the name of your Co-PI(s), if applicable. 
    • Under the “Documents” tab, please upload your Research Proposal as one single PDF file.
  4. Applications must include:
    • Required authorized signatures
    • Cover Page; include the following information:
      • Full name(s) and full contact information of PI(s)
      • Project title
      • Award type (select either faculty awards or early career awards)
      • Human Subjects: yes/no, Protocol #, and approval date
      • Vertebrate Animals: yes/no, Protocol #, and approval date
    • Abstract of ~300 words, not to exceed one page
    • Specific aims, not to exceed one page
    • Significance*
    • Background*
    • Research Plan*+
    • References (no page limit)
    • Budget with justification
  5. Formatting requirements: Arial 11 font, single spaced, no less than ½ inch margins all around.
  6. Page numbering is recommended, and should use sequential numbers, e.g., do not use 2a and 2b, etc.
  7. Supplemental/Appendix material is limited to letters of support/collaboration and PDFs of papers in press and not yet publicly available. Any other additional material will be discarded.

The deadline for applications is by 5:00 pm ET on Monday, February 17, 2025.

*Note: Significance, Background and Research Plan must not exceed five total pages.

+Research plan to include the following:

  • Clinical impact: How will funding the application accelerate advances in science that have the potential to change the standard of care for BRCA1/2 carriers in the future.
  • Approach: Describe the general research strategies that will address the overarching mission of the grant application and show that the proposed research is BRCA1/2 specific.  Specify how Basser Center core resources will be utilized, if appropriate. If gaps in existing facilities or resources are perceived to be a challenge for execution of the proposed research, applicants are encouraged to describe ways that funding could optimize facility services and operations. 
  • Metrics of success: Provide a list of no more than six specific metrics that are relevant to you grant application with a short term (e.g. 1-year) and long-term (5-year) timeline. Scientific and clinical metrics should be emphasized, and training metrics may also be included. Potential metrics may relate to novel discoveries based on observational or experimental research, development of new prevention or treatment modalities, advancing innovative clinical trials, and/or improvements in clinical operations. 
  • Sustainability: It is recognized that changes in these focus areas may require long-term investment beyond the initial 2-year funding period.  Plans to promote the sustainability of the award beyond the funding period (e.g. SPORE grants, P01s, increased clinical revenues, philanthropy, etc.) should be mentioned.
  • Data and Resource Sharing Plan: Please provide a short description of the data sharing plan for this project should final data be obtained, or, if data sharing is not possible, an explanation of why. All funded proposals should strive to create common resources for sharing with other Basser Center funded investigators. Examples include cell lines, plasmids, databases, etc.

Preparation of Budgets

No specific budget format is required but be sure to include adequate details and corresponding justification. Faculty awards will be funded for a period of 2 years for up to $200,000/year contingent on significant progress year to year. Early career awards will be funded up to $100,000 for one year. Early career grants are eligible for competitive renewal upon reapplication and are contingent on progress the first year. Awards are also contingent on the availability of funds.

  • Salary support for investigator
  • Research supplies and animal maintenance
  • Travel when necessary to carry out the proposed research program
  • Publication costs, including reprints
  • Costs of computer time
  • Special fees (pathology, photography, etc.)
  • Equipment costing less than $5,000. Special justification is necessary for items exceeding this amount, and permission must be obtained from the Basser Center for the purchase of such equipment
  • Registration fees at scientific meetings
  • Technician/laboratory personnel support

  • Secretarial/administrative personnel
  • Honoraria and travel expenses for visiting lecturers
  • Per diem charges for hospital beds
  • Non-medical services to patients
  • Construction or building maintenance
  • Major alterations
  • Purchasing and binding of periodicals and books
  • Office and laboratory furniture
  • Office equipment and supplies
  • Rental of office or laboratory space
  • Recruiting and relocation expenses
  • Dues and membership fees in scientific societies

Ongoing Review and Notification

The review process will be completed by a committee of outside scientists, which is expected to include a subset of members of the Basser Center External Scientific Advisory Board. Successful applicants will be announced in May 2025. Funding will have a start date of July 1, 2025. 

Applicants must submit a Letter of Intent by January 15, 2025 by 5:00 pm ET. 

The full application must be submitted by February 17, 2025 by 5:00 pm ET. 


Review Criteria will include:

  1. Impact: What is the likelihood that the proposed research will have a transformative impact on science with a goal toward an impact on clinical care pertaining to BRCA?
  2. Innovation: Is the proposed application creative and original? If successful, will the work produce dramatic paradigm shifts in research and clinical practice by using novel concepts, methodologies, and/or interventions?
  3. Investigative Team: Does the proposed PI have a strong track record of leadership of innovative science?
  4. Approach: Are the general strategies and translational approaches sufficiently rigorous to ensure generation of important data? Is the proposed research BRCA1/2 specific? Are metrics of success and plans for sustainability presented and reasonable?


Ongoing Review and Evaluation

Funded awardees will be expected to submit semi-annual progress reports, which will be evaluated by the Basser Center for BRCA leadership and Internal Advisory Board and possibly by outside advisors. Metrics of  success and progress toward achieving scientific goals will be considered. Continuation of funding will depend on progress.


For questions, please contact Heather Symecko, Basser Center for BRCA Executive Director of Administration, at